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Intersex People

Intersex is a word that describes people born with natural variations in their bodies that do not fit exactly into the typical definitions of ‘male’ or ‘female’.

Things like hormones and DNA help determine a person’s genitals, reproductive organs, and other body traits. There are many ways someone can be intersex. An intersex person’s body or genitals might look or work differently than what some people may expect, but they do not have something wrong with them – intersex bodies are normal and unique, just like every body.

Being intersex is also pretty common, there are about as many intersex people in the world as there are people with red hair!

Being intersex does not mean a person is gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. Intersex people have all different sexual and gender identities, just like everyone does.

How does someone know if they are intersex?

Some people might know they are intersex from when they are born, while some people find out when they go through puberty and become an adult. Some people might not know they are intersex until they are trying to have a baby. Every intersex person is different. If you are an intersex person, it is your choice who you tell. If you have questions or are worried about how your body works or looks, you should speak to your doctor about it.

Can you tell if someone is intersex?

You cannot tell if a person is intersex just by looking at them. All intersex people look different, just like all people look different. You might know someone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, but this does not mean they are also intersex.

Can I ask someone if they are intersex?

It is not okay to ask if someone is an intersex person. How a person’s private body parts look or work is private. It is their right to choose who they tell.

What if someone tells me they are intersex?

If someone tells you they are intersex, ask them how it is best to support them. Intersex people may use different terms to describe themselves, so ask them what language they would like you to use. If someone tells you they are intersex, it is important to keep this information private. You should not tell other people unless you have permission to do so.

Support for intersex people

Some intersex people experience bullying or discrimination. It is never okay to bully or discriminate against someone who is intersex. To find out more about how you can be an ally to intersex people, go to Be an LGTBIQ ally

If you are an intersex person and you’re being bullied, would like support or just want to speak to someone else who is intersex there are many support and information services available.

They can be found at:
